Written as if I was speaking to my unborn daughter, this poem imagines her life unfolding, as she breaks down barriers and builds her own tables, creating opportunities for herself and her community.
— Melissa Jun Rowley

I want to be there when she’s born to hear her cries and laughter,

to see her eyes recognize her mother’s voice

knowing she came into this world kicking and screaming

and she’ll go out the same way.

At the end of the day, after a day of play,

I want to feel her excitement over

running so fast she fell down

but always got up again.

Learning to dance before she can walk

Learning to sing before she can talk

Learning to tell stories before she can read

Learning compassion

Learning to lead

To have faith in her is to have faith in the future.

She’ll claim resilience with both hands like all of life's daughter's do

flying in the face of patriarchy

giving back to her community, and honoring her ancestry.

When girls rise hearts break open and mountains fall.

When girls rise the best among us hear her call

to action.

And as she steps into her power,

her voice will crescendo through every generation

because a woman’s will can heal the heart of any suffering nation,

and fight for every child’s right to an education,

and organize and elevate in the name of liberation.

And when she's older

I want to be guided by her wisdom

and bask in the trail she blazed.

Turning glass ceilings to air

Making bigger tables

Choosing faith over fear

Honoring her legacy

I amplify her voice.

To co-create with her is to build a better future.

“To Have Faith in Her"